Here are the recommendations for candidates during an interview:

Before the interview

  • Organize your travel plans (itinerary, means of transport, etc.).
  • Make sure that you are dressed neatly and appropriately.
  • Carry along
- a copy of the convocation with the contact details of the person to be contacted; - an updated version of your CV; - your letter of references; - paper and pencils for taking notes if necessary.
  • Arrive in advance to deal with any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Notify the person in charge of the process as soon as possible if you think you will arrive late for the interview or if you cannot attend.
  • Once there, turn off and put away any electronic devices that may be a source of distraction during the interview.

During the interview

  • Make a good impression.
  • Listen carefully to the people you're talking to.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for clarification if you misunderstand the meaning of a question.
  • Take your time to answer the questions you are asked.
  • Support your comments with concrete, varied, relevant and truthful examples to highlight your skills (use your CV if necessary).
  • Be clear and concise (answer questions directly).

At the end

  • If necessary, ask questions about the nature of the job or anything else about which you would like more information.
  • Find out what the next steps in the process are. For example, ask when and by whom follow-up will be done with the candidates you meet.
  • Fill out the form for your references, if applicable.
  • Thank your references for their time and reiterate your interest in the job.

After the interview

  • Evaluate your performance: determine your good shots and areas for improvement. This will help you in your next interview.
  • Choose e-mail as a means of communication if you wish to
- provide the manager or workforce management consultant with additional information at the interview; - thank them and show your interest in the job once again.
  • Wait until the deadline has passed before following up on your application