Corporate communication is the set of actions that aim to promote the company's image towards its customers and various partners.
Corporate communication differs from brand communication insofar as it is the organization that is promoted and not directly its products or services.
Corporate communication plays a very important role within the strategy. A good communication campaign makes it easier for customers to remember the name and image of a company, product or service. To keep a communication in the mind of the client, there are several methods that can be put in place.
First of all, the message the company is trying to convey to the customer must be clear and easy to remember. Usually, a person quickly goes through the various advertisements that are offered to him or her, this is why the message that the company is trying to convey must be brief and easy to understand so that customers only have to see or read the advertisement once and retain it. We can take the example of the Ministry of Health's anti-smoking campaign, whose slogan is: "Smoking kills". This slogan is made up of only two words and makes the message you want to get across in a single reading, which takes no more than a second.
A company's communication must be able to appeal to a wide audience. In the case of an anti-smoking campaign, the message reaches both smokers and non-smokers. A campaign must therefore appeal to a fairly wide audience. An effective communication campaign should not only interest a specific target group, but also a wider audience.
That is why companies need to use communication strategies to surprise customers with something new, something they do not expect. To surprise during a communication campaign and to arouse the interest of the public, one can be original and thus stand out from other advertisers. Take the example of the Dove brand which, for its soap campaign, used as actresses ordinary women whose job is not to pose for photos or fashion shows. By using this strategy of naturalness, Dove was able to seduce a female clientele that could identify with the women they saw playing in the ad.
In addition to using the natural, companies can call another communication strategy: humour. Laughter has always been a selling point. A communication campaign using humour never leaves one indifferent. The public will be more sensitive to it and will tend to better retain the message conveyed. However, the humour used must be chosen methodically, and once again, it must be easy to understand and for everyone.
But whatever strategy is used, the message conveyed, the advertising engine must be unique to the company.
But even when an advertisement makes people laugh, if the message of the communication is understood by everyone, it must be interesting and appeal to people's curiosity.
If the message of any communication campaign must be clear and brief, it must also stimulate consumer curiosity. The potential customer must be interested in knowing more about the product or service and may then be led to inquire.
One of the most widely used and effective strategies is one that appeals to the feelings and emotions of the audience. The communication campaign should not leave the public passive. They must have reactions: sadness, joy, revolt...
Finally, a good communication campaign must show consumers how much this product or service is needed. They must feel a deep need for it. These desires will therefore generate sales for a company.